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Welcome to the Fifth International Mokuhanga Conference – Echizen
Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture, Japan
Imadate Art Center and Echizen Washi Village
April 4 to 6, 2024

Register HERE

Inheritance & Innovation: Mokuhanga Artists Explore Japanese Paper

The Fifth International Mokuhanga Conference will be held in Echizen City, home of the Okamoto-Otaki shrine dedicated to the goddess of papermaking. The province of Echizen is renowned for its production of Japanese washi and other traditional crafts.

This conference will focus on Japanese traditional papermaking and the innovative use of handmade washi by contemporary mokuhanga artists. Artists and papermakers will come together for demonstrations and workshops by expert craftspeople, along with an open portfolio session and a product showcase. Workshops will include papermaking, paper sizing, and test printing on Echizen paper.

This will be an excellent opportunity to appreciate the wide variety of Japanese papers and to learn about the history of papermaking in Japan. International mokuhanga artists will be invited to submit work for a juried exhibition of small works. The conference will be followed by an optional bus tour to Nara, with visits to traditional sumi ink workshops and museums.

Details will be posted on as they become available.

Thank you to our Japan Sponsors:

If you are interested in sponsoring or supporting the fifth International Mokuhanga Conference, please contact us.



継承と革新: 木版画アーティストによる和紙の探求




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